Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016

Butterscotch Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies Bit

Butterscotch Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies Bit -
Toffee Bit Butterscotch Choc Chip Cookies
These cookies are just as tasty as they look. I made them a few weeks ago and I wish I had a dozen of them at the moment. I think they would do just the trick to cure me of this cold / cough / grossness that I had for several days. I'm so tired of feeling under the weather, but I'm better ... at least good enough to get on the computer to finally show these yummies.
Mix ins
Chips and pieces. A small ton of chocolate, caramel and caramel goodness, baby.
Butterscotch Choc Chip Cookie Cookie Dough
The cookie dough is totally makes me want to grab the largest spoon I can find.
Toffee Bit Butterscotch Cookie Dough
Just do not get carried away tasting ... should ensure spoonfuls save enough to cook, you know.
Toffee Bit Butterscotch Cookies
Butterscotch Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies Bit
2 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking soda coffee
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup unsalted butter
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoons vanilla coffee
1 1/2 chips chocolate cups
1 cup toffee bits
1 cup caramel chips
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Add flour, baking soda and salt in medium bowl. Set aside.
  • Beat butter and sugar in mixer for a few minutes until light and fluffy.
  • Add eggs and vanilla and mix until incorporated.
  • Add the flour mixture and mix on low until combined. Stir in chocolate chips, pieces of caramel and toffee bits.
  • Place spoonfuls of dough on a baking sheet 2 inches.
  • Bake for 9-12 minutes.
Makes about 36 cookies.
Melty Chocolate Chips
Enjoy all the bits and chips in each hot and tender bite.
