Jumat, 09 September 2016

Adorable Snow

Adorable Snow -

Snowman Cupcakes

I made some small sweet snowman cake this weekend and it looks a bit like it snowed sugar powder in my kitchen. These snowman heads were inspired by one of my absolute favorite and now new Christmas decorations. I'll show you in a minute. It is awesome!

But let me walk you through how I made those first.

Powdered sugar coated

heads. I just picked up some powdered donuts to play with. They needed to be rolled in more sugar to cover part of the dark areas.


The snowmen bodies were simply the icing. I kept it on the thick side, so it would stay strong and keep its round shape when the heads were placed.

Oh yeah ... I used this recipe for cupcakes.

Powdered Sugar

Just after each frosting, powdered sugar coat to match the donuts and make it look like a snow body.


The scarves were tinted pink frosting piped on top. When you put the head and press down, it will look like the scarf wraps around. Then you can sprinkle a little sanding sugar on top for extra snow look. You can also put the head on a lollipop and insert to make it more stable

A tip -. If you want your white frosting, use shortening instead of all the butter. He would have done the brightest body. View and frosting recipe here.

Snowman Cupcakes

Now for the faces.

Powdered sugar doughnuts

I decorated donuts while they layed on a small plateau. Just poke a toothpick in position for all facial features.

Seeds and Sprinkles

Then press chocolate jimmies for the eyes and mouth and orange sunflowers seeds for the nose.

Petite Mints

These smooth and Melty pink mints really well as snow dotted buttons on each belly.

Waffle Cones

and hats ... slowly sawn off waffle cones. You might say that is a waste of a waffle cone, but I'm not much of a person ice cream cone. I love my ice cream in a cup with a cone on the side. So I just saved the unused pieces and use them as nachos.

And speaking of ice cream, let me show you the inspiration for these cupcakes.


Santa's Frozen Treats Ice Cream Truck

is Frozen Treats Ice Cream Truck Santa topped with a sweet little snowman head.

I. Love. This. Thing.

P.S. I think cupcakes are cute, but after that I now wish I had made the cake pops. Just look at that little head. I'm pretty sure I could have the cutest faces and much less messier. Till next time.


Back to Santa. Inside the truck is a train track sundae ice cream with a moving train, interior lighting and even plays 8 holiday tunes. It just makes me happy so I guess I'll have to leave aside all the year.

Here is a short video of it in action on my instagram.
