Rabu, 07 September 2016

Yeeee-Haa ... It's been a great year!

Yeeee-Haa ... It's been a great year! -


This is my 1 year blogiversary and wanted to do some fun little cakes to mark the day.

first, I thought with a Halloween theme because it is the same day.
No, already with some Halloween cake pops.

What about a birthday theme?
Nah, too expected.

Then, talking to myself, one of my pictures caught my attention and I think I saw the light bulb over his head on.

here it is.
Me & Bo
And if you do not know who you are looking at on the left is aka Bo Duke John Schneider of the Dukes of Hazzard, and on the right, although me. Hello!

You may not know, but when I was 9, he was my boyfriend. I even had a lot of Teen Beat magazine to prove it. Years later, we met, I mean met at a charity dinner. He was the guest speaker. I remember being in the ballroom and see him standing outside waiting for me, I mean waiting to speak. He was alone. Now mind you, I'm a little shy, but I thought I can not have another chance. So I walked out of the ballroom to where he stood and introduced myself and thanked him for coming to speak. But I think the actual words probably sounded something like, "Hi, I'm a big fan." I wanted so much to ask him to sign it, not one, but two General Lee model cars that I wait in my purse. (Yes, I'm a dork!)

A friend of mine had two cars of his childhood and I bribed to give me if I could get them both signed.

I think I'm the only one who came to dinner with toys and a ... Sharpie fine point, not regular because it would have been too big for his name if I could get signature (Hey, a girl's got to be prepared.) Bo, i mean John, was super nice. After the event, he stayed around to talk to people and even took this beautiful picture with me. I love this picture. It seems that we've known for years. I guess from my perspective, we have.

See the car!

General Lee Cupcakes

Yep ... signed!

General Lee Cupcakes

So that was it. The.
General Lee Halloween colors ... check!
The number to score my first blog of the year ... check!
Unexpected ... check!

again, the picture of us makes me smile every time I look at it, as this site has done over the past year every time I read your comments.

it was a fun first year. Thank you to share with me.

  • Making the first Pops Cupcake
  • Appearing on the Martha Stewart Show
  • Being recognized by Jim Davis for my Garfield Cupcakes
  • Play thank you war with Cakespy
  • Winning the first Cupcake Iron Earth Challenge
  • selling some cute t-shirts
  • Contribution income for Parentsconnect site Nickelodeon
  • have fun gifts

And yesterday I got the coolest present to complete the year.

lA Pioneer Woman blogged about making my Halloween Cake Pops. I could not believe it. I look at his site all the time in amazement, and I could not believe she was talking about me. (It's like a kind of super-human. If you are not familiar with it, you should check it.) We secretly I wanted her family to adopt me so I can live on the ranch and cook and take pictures of cows with it all day. So, here's a picture just for her. I think she would like.

Cow Cake Pops

Anyway, I can not wait to see what next year brings. More sweet stuff for us I hope.

And now for a Blogiversary Giveaway!

This is a celebration. And what's a celebration without gifts. So I'm giving away some Bakerella tees www.bakelove.com. Three of them!

  • If you are a Bakerella at heart or just like the site, enter for a chance to win.
  • Just leave a comment and share what celebrity you have had or still have a crush on.
  • Be sure to leave an email address or a link to your blog so that I can contact you if you win.
  • The cutoff to enter is Monday 3rd November at midnight. Winners will be announced some time Tuesday night.

Find out who won!

* Winners will be randomly selected using random.org integer generator.

Oh yeah, Happy Halloween, too!
