Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Triple Chocolate Trifle

Triple Chocolate Trifle -

Or more correctly ... How to make the best of a Messed Up cake.
This dessert comes courtesy of my sister. She wanted to bake a cake for me - of course chocolate with chocolate chips - and was already decorating and surprise me. A problem. The cake stuck to the pan and fell apart when she tried to get it out.
Now if it was me, I just made a few cake balls out of it. But being a creation that she is, she turned a mess into a masterpiece.
I do not have his cake recipe, but here's what you do.
1. Accidentally ruin your cake on purpose, by mistake
2. Whisk until chocolate pudding
3. Layer everything in a little flat with some Cool Whip refrigerate.
... and in the words of Tim Gunn ... "run."
Chocolate Trifle
If she did not say it was a mistake, I would have never known.
in fact, there was only one problem with this cold, creamy dessert cakelicious. It was far too easy to eat. Let's just say, I would have a larger spoon.
