Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016


Yipee! -
Guess what these are. I did not know I had to do them or not. Leading to my transplant, I had many people suggest that I do, but for the longest time, I thought cake pops kidney shaped would just be weird. Until I received a surprise in the mail.
More on that in a minute.
You know, sometimes I encounter strange candy and think I have no idea what I'm used to, but they are too unique not to be missed. This is an example of something that I would like to take in a heart beat if I came across it in the store. But they were actually sent to me by Rips them with an assortment of other takes treats liquorice. It was a little thank you when they discovered that I used some of their candy in my book.
I am happy to have since I hadnt seen all these. I can tell just by looking that they could have a variety of uses.
And they were perfect to finish them.
Here's how to make cake pops base if you are new to them.

you know I had to go with red velvet.
appropriate I think.
I like to ride my first cake balls before shaping. This way, I can assure you that I end up with the right amount and also that they are all fairly uniform in size.
If I as I go, I find the forms can begin to take the resulting size in less pop than I intended.
But not when I drive first. See, they are all pretty similar in size.
It is also good to have all your decorations prepared before starting the immersion.
Less chaos.
who would have thought kidney cake pops could be so cute.
Not me.
Not until I received something in the mail that inspired these little guys.
Wanna see?
a kidney purple plush with a cute face.
Huggable and kind and sent me to Wendy I Heart Guts. Thank you Wendy!
Who knew there would be a market for such a thing.
But obviously there. See my little friends ... kidney Heart, Lung and liver.
Wait, here are the organs most plush of their site ...
and other products, too. Such as shirts and stickers and so on.
This is a great gift get well. More fun than a map.
Go ahead. Get some guts. They'll make someone smile. Promise.
Moreover, my mother and I are doing great. My exams were rather good since the transplant. A few weeks my lab work better than others. Here's hoping this week is another good one. And thank you again to everyone for your continued support.
I heart you guys! Uh, I mean ... I Kidney you guys!
