Sabtu, 16 Juli 2016

Candy Apples

Candy Apples
- Apple Cake Pops
candy apples ... less apples.
He's back on time from school already, so I thought I'd show you these super cute apple cake to celebrate Pops. They are among the 50+ designs I worked so far. (I know, I know ... I lost it. But I can not stop.) I will try to present some news here and there between the cooking of other fun things.
Anyway, I thought that they would be well today - and a great way to make your kids brownie points from the start. Hmmm ... brownie point with cake pops. I like it. They are also a fun way of just saying "Thank you, Teach!" You can save the idea for later and they'll make great gifts of recognition of teachers, too. You can even make tags for sticks lollipops and they will be very special. Or maybe I'll do some for you that you can download. Wait, did I say that. Yikes. OK I got it. But not today. Or tomorrow ... Soon, however.
Cake and Candy
Okay, I think you all know the drill now. We need background of red candy. White also works if you add the red color "candy". I used chocolate cake for them, but uses all the flavor you want. Apple even. Follow the instructions basic cake pop and instead of shaping the cake and frosting into round balls, make them a little wider at the top than the bottom. Then press in the center of the top and the bottom with your fingers a little to make subtle indentations. You can also use a popsicle stick to make room for the stem.
And the rod, you will need the pretzel sticks.
Not that much though ... about 25 will do if you use the rounded ends. And if you do not care about being pretty and round ends, then you can break each stick into pieces and use less sticks. Each piece of the stem should be about 1/2 inch maximum. While the candy coating is still wet, the set piece and the pretzel sheet and place in a block of Styrofoam to dry.
Diamond Sprinkles
For the leaves I used diamond jumbo sprinkles ... green. But feel free to use whatever you think will work. Check the candy aisle for inspiration.
Apple Cake Pops
And voila ... apple candy.
No ... covered cake shaped apple-candy.
Ok, how about just apple cake pops. Simple and cute.
But wait, there's something missing.
Confetti Sprinkles
Let's see what happens with some great white glitter confetti ...
and ...
a pen edible black ink.
Apple Cake Pops
What do you think? Personality?
Apple Cake Pops
... or plain?
Apple Cake Pops
I say personality.
Just use a little bit of red candies background remains. With a toothpick, a point on a part of the coating and paste eyes instead. Then use the pen with edible black ink to bring them to life. When using the pen, draw the details with a touch very lightly to avoid clogging candy residue up.
Now ... Take a bite of the little apple!
Bite me!
Ha. They are so happy, they do not even seem to mind their buddy being bitten.
Hey! On the left. Wipe that smile ... you're next
