Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

Happy Mother Day Cake Pops

Mom & Pops -
Flower Cake Pops
Mother's Day is next Sunday, so I thought it was as good a time as any to experiment with flowers Cake Pops . And I got a bunch of candy rabbit leftover corn to get rid of, too. In addition to the rabbit ears, they make great pastel petals do not you think.
Flower Parts
I'll pretend that all of you who made the rabbit pops still have those handy, too. You will need 8-10 parts for each flower.
Make your cake pops by following basic instructions pop cake, but instead pops shape into balls, with a flat end to form more oval that you can glue the parts of the flower on. Also, if you do not want to make the whole recipe in bloom, you can split the baked cake into quarters and freeze the unwanted sections for later use. Yay!
12 cake pops = 1/4 9 x 13 cake
24 cake pops = 1/2 9 X13 cake
36 cake pops = 3/4 9 x 13 cake
48 cake pops = One 9 x 13 cake

Man ... I'm good at math.
Make sure you divide the appropriately frosting too.
Dip the pops in candy color background you want for your base. I used white here because it blended with the white part of the candy corn and the camouflaged some gaps.
Once immersed, let dry cake pops up in a block of Styrofoam.
Once dry, soak the back of flat tops in a portion of melted candy coating. This will act as the glue. The coating must be starting to cool off so it takes less time to dry when you attach the parts.
Now for balance.
lightly grasp the cake pop in his left hand so your thumb and index finger can act as an edge for candy corn to rest when you attach them to the top of pop. If you can without letting your hands touch the sides of the cake pop ... even better because the heat of your body can begin to melt the sides if you're not careful. It helps a little to let the lollipop stick rest on your leg if you are sitting.
I know. I know. Sounds like a lot of work. But I have come so far and they were ... you know ... for the person who gave birth to me.
Hold them in place long enough for the pieces to put / sec up and not drag on the side of the pop ... will happen if you take your hand too soon. Did I mention that this was an experience? Anyway, when secured, place a small bit of candy coating in the center and attach the yellow candy to finish the flower. Just about here, I realized how happy I was that I decided to do only a dozen of these.
Another method is instead of soaking up the pop candy in the background is to implement a petal at a time by soaking the bottom of candy corn in a portion of the melted candy coating and then paste it up. Wait a minute. Do you have this? Because I think my head will explode.
I wish I had a picture to show you all this, but my hands were a little busy.
Flower tops
It is a good idea to get all your songs ready before starting any gluing. The centers in this case were yellow mints of The Fresh Market. (M & ms, but would also work.) And if you are like most of the population, and not additional rabbit corn have laying around, you can try using licorice pastels and licorice buttons or visit the alley and the nearest candy get creative.
Licorice Candy Flowers
The licorice candy give more of a look of wild flowers, but enough. I love (as the fresh market) because their forms are somewhat irregular. You can also get good & Plenty candy licorice brand in this pink color. They are just a little bigger and more uniform in shape.
When all the flowers are made, you can arrange them in a small heavy vase or basket (The heavier the better, so it does not tip over) with at least 2 inches thick styrofoam to the bottom. Also, if you decide to transport, keep the flowers touching each other. The petals can easily fall if they fall into the other.
Gosh, It seems that I have given you many reasons not to try these. Hopefully the finished product done for her.
And do not worry. I already have a flower motif easier in mind for the future. It is influenced by left over pieces of candy :)
Here are some other ideas Mothers Day:
Flower Cupcakes
Mom Tattoo Cupcake
