Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Moose Munch Chocolate Caramel Cupcakes Dark

Moose Munch Chocolate Caramel Cupcakes Dark -

Moose Munch Dark Chocolate Caramel Cupcakes

I have some delicious chocolate caramel-y little crunchy delicious cakes to share with you today. I created the recipe for my friends to Harry & David using their famous flavored popcorn. Visit their blog here for the cupcake recipe, more photos and a preview of their new packaging Moose Munch® Popcorn Gourmet.

Cupcakes and Popcorn

cupcakes and chocolate coated caramel dark chocolate Moose Munch. Yes! And yes!

Caramel FIlling

Filled with caramel, too. Oh

Moose Munch Dark Chocolate Caramel Cupcakes

Get the recipe here: ..

Moose Munch dark chocolate Caramel Cupcakes created for Harry & David

I really, really enjoyed it and hope you will too!
